One size fits all: storytime for under fives

Baby reading image

Having delivered several storytimes in my volunteer role at my local public library, recently I’ve been wondering how to engage all the children – pre-schoolers, toddlers AND babies – in the session. Unlike in America where it seems sessions are targeted to different age groups e.g.18months-3 years, in the UK most public libraries seem to offer a one size fits all session for under fives. This is in spite of the diverse needs of the children: a baby who wants to gaze at colours and shapes on a page, a toddler who really just wants to run around the library and a pre-schooler who is ready for a story with a beginning, middle and end. I’ve done a bit of thinking and had a look around the internet for ideas on how to tailor a session to cater to the needs of all children in the 0-5 age group, but I’d be really keen to hear from any pros out there who might also have some tips.  Continue reading